This collection of recipes has been put together by our Naturopath to not only help to soothe and calm an irritated digestive system but to allow you to identify foods that may be the triggers of your inflammation.
Your Naturopath may have given you herbal supplements and other nutrients to assist in your recovery, along with a food symptom diary so you can record your progress.
Week 1 is probably the most difficult as dairy, grains, coffee, alcohol, and red meat are eliminated along with other known allergens such as soy. Withdrawal symptoms are common by day 4 and our Naturopaths may have given you tips to help alleviate these.
Weeks 2-4 see the introduction of the foods that have been eliminated during your first week so make sure you take note of your sleep patterns ie what time you may be waking during the night, bowel habits, energy, and mood.
Further functional pathology testing may be required to identify if bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections are a cause of your gastrointestinal upset.
This collection of recipes has been put together by our Naturopath to not only help to soothe and calm an irritated digestive system but to allow you to identify foods that may be the triggers of your inflammation.
Your Naturopath may have given you herbal supplements and other nutrients to assist in your recovery, along with a food symptom diary so you can record your progress.
Week 1 is probably the most difficult as dairy, grains, coffee, alcohol, and red meat are eliminated along with other known allergens such as soy. Withdrawal symptoms are common by day 4 and our Naturopaths may have given you tips to help alleviate these.
Weeks 2-4 see the introduction of the foods that have been eliminated during your first week so make sure you take note of your sleep patterns ie what time you may be waking during the night, bowel habits, energy, and mood.
Further functional pathology testing may be required to identify if bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections are a cause of your gastrointestinal upset.